Home Security With Replacement Windows

Good home security helps your family sleep peacefully. From a burglar’s point of view, windows are the easiest gateways for a break-in. Yes! Doors are not just the common entry point; they use approachable windows as well. And there are many signs that can even alert a thief about your home being vulnerable.

Common Signs Of Vulnerable Home Security

Old and Worn Out Windows
Whenever you experience problems in opening and closing the windows, it is a sign that they need replacement. Otherwise, it will make things easier for a burglar and make your house vulnerable.

Common Signs
When you see a break or crack in the glass window or if the metal frame is corroded, you need to think of a replacement!

See-Through Glass Window
Are you able to see expensive artifacts, electronics, antiques or collectibles through your glass window? So, can a thief!

Other Entry Points
Do you have any of the following doors?

· doggy doors,
· sliding glass doors,
· glass around your entry doors,
· Louvered windows?

Consider replacing them with a strong glass PVC window.
One of the most important aspects that you should consider in home security (and one that is often overlooked) is the installation of replacement pvc windows. Gear yourselves up to tighten the security and breaking into your house will be quite an effort for an average thief.
home security

Replacement Windows

A window manufacturer uses different materials during construction. And to break through these glass windows, the thief will have to strike repeatedly on the same spot alerting you and your neighbors. So, ultimately such windows act as an excellent thief deterrent. If you are thinking of having a cutting-edge security, consider installing the following replacement windows in your home –

Reinforcing the glass windows with the secured material is not a difficult task. You can ask your manufacturer to use any of the following glasses during construction –

· Tempered glass is more durable than a traditional one which is not easy to break. When it comes to reinforced glasses, it is one of the least expensive options.
· Laminated or glass windows consist a layer of vinyl sandwiched between two or three sheets of regular glass so you can have double glazed windows or triple glazed windows for your home.
· Bullet-resistant glass or wire mesh glass gives an added safety net. But, both of these are quite expensive and do not provide any other security benefit.

Acrylic Plastic Windows

They are also known as Plexiglas windows and come with the same thickness as that of a traditional window but with a difference. Replacement upvc windows are 10 times stronger and secure and 250 times more impact-resistant than the traditional ones.

Window Bars
Place heavy iron bars on your windows that will make your home not just attractive but will also help in keeping burglars at bay.

Window Alarms
With advancement in technology, you will find state-of-the-art window alarms that are easy to install and the simplest one being a sensor alarm. This detects the motion around the wall and alerts whenever the window is opened or broken. Another sophisticated window alarm uses infrared motion detector which monitors the area around the window and activates when even the slightest motion is detected.

Therefore, the time is ripe to think of installing home safety features before an unwanted incident takes place. A secure home will always be a happy home!

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